Managers Need To Be

What makes a good manager?  I am sure we all have responses to this from personal experience.  We have all had supervisors that we thought were good and others that we thought were terrible.  What do you see as important in a supervisor and if […]

Solving Issues In A Hospital

How does solving issues in a hospital get done?  Good question and many times it does not get done and things remain the same forever.  However, sometimes they can not continue.  Something has to be done to solve the problem.  Discard Defeatist Attitude The first […]

Second Career For Nurses

Is it possible for nurses to have a second career?  That is a good question.  A Nurse’s eduation is very specific to nursing, which makes me wonder if it is possible to change careers What Does A Nurse Learn In Her Education A nurse’s education […]

Online Jobs For The Disabled

It seems like an online job would be perfect for the disabled.  I am sure that it depends on what the disability is, but in a lot of cases it would seem ideal. Newly Disabled Seeking A Job I would think that this would be […]

Flexibility For Nurses

Flexibility for nurses as well as for everyone in a job is something that is desirable.  Most people do not like to be told how, what and when to do things.  Let’s take a look at this in more depth. Flexibility At Work Most people […]

Nurses Work From Home?

Introductory content.How can nurses work from home? Impossible one may say and you are probably right if you think of the typical hospital jobs that most nurses work in. But, nothing is impossible. Right? Typical Jobs Nurses Of Nurses I imagine that when you think […]

Transition Is Hard

What is transition and what does it mean? The definition is “the process of changing from one state or condition to another”. Things are changing or transitioning in our lives constantly. What I am talking about are the major changes in our life. Little things […]

When Plans For The Future Are Inadequate

One of the children married into a family that did plan ahead, or at least planned ahead better than our family has. The grandmother and grandfather are well into their nineties and the parents are seventish. The grandparents definitely live a good life. They go […]

Celebrate Nurses In The Merry Month Of May

Nurses Day is celebrated on May 6th of every year and usually is celebrated for the whole week following and ending on May 12th which is Florence Nightingale’s birthday. In 1974, President Nixon made a proclamation to create National Nurses Week. The American Nurses Association […]